2009 Philips Brilliance 64 Slice CT Scanner (Refurbished)
Philips Brilliance 64 Slice CT scanner is among the most versatile CT scanners on the market. Brilliance 64 CT is an excellent choice for cardiac, trauma, pediatric, and pulmonary exams where a high slice count is required for its speed and image resolution. The time between sequences is reduced and operators can continue an exam without delay.
Brilliance 64 has four times as many detectors as a typical multi-detector CT scanner, combines unrivaled image quality with remarkable speed. It can produce detailed pictures of any organ in a few seconds and provide sharp, clear, three-dimensional images, including 3-D views of the blood vessels, in an instant. The technology has been particularly exciting for studying the beating heart, providing the first clear non-invasive images of the heart and its major vessels. The scans can be timed to use only images gathered between contractions so that the heart and its vessels can be seen without the blurring caused by motion.
Optional Software: CT perfusion, brain perfusion, CT endoscopy, volume rendering, lung module assessment/reporting, CT/MR fusion, sterotaxis, stenosis analysis, stent planning, dental planning, bone mineral analysis, cardiac imaging, COBRA adaptive multicycle reconstruction, prospective cardiac gating, retrospective tagging, cardiac CTR angio, cardiac LV/RV function, cardiac scoring/reporting, oncology/imaging, CT floroscopy software, and hardware.
Philips CT Scan 64 Slice
Manufacturer: Philips
Year of Manufacture: 2009
IRS: G 4 Rev. E (2012)
Host Computer: MFD new Generation 2016
SW: 03.05.05
Detector Type: TDMS
Tube Model: MRC 800
Tube YOM: 2009-2015
Complete count on the system
Tube count: About 700.000 scan-sec
Tube life approx: 2,5 – 3 Million
Tube heat storage: 8.0 MHU
Generator: YES Included
IBOX: YES Included
Cooling Agent: Air
SW Licences: DICOM Modality Worklist
CT Viewer
Volume Rendering
Heart Beat CS
EBW SW Version: 4.5.51035
Installed Licenses: CT Viewer I Viewer
Functional CT/Timelapse
Heart-Beat CS
Dental Planing
Lung Nodule Assessment
Lung Nodules CAD
Dual Monitor
Brain Perfusion
Lung Density
CCA-Coronaries Analysis
Brain Perfusion Sum.Maps
Func. CT Perfusion Maps
Pre Processing
ECG Monitor: Philips M3/M4
ECG Monitor patient leads: YES
Operators Manual: Available
Condition: Excellent
Warranty: 90 Days Warranty