2010 CT Hitachi ECLOS 4 Machine
CT Hitachi ECLOS 4 Machine is very reliable and patient-friendly. It delivers excellent image quality results, cost-effective operating economics, and excellent uptime. This cross-sectional imaging device is easy to operate and has low-dose imaging, using advanced filter technology. Moreover, the automatic positioning system guarantees a smooth workflow. The use of CT scans has increased dramatically over the last two decades in many countries. An estimated 72 million scans were performed in the United States in 2007 and more than 80 million.
CT Hitachi Scanner has become an important tool in medical imaging to supplement X-rays and medical ultrasonography. It has more recently been used for preventive medicine or screening for disease, for example, CT colonography for people with a high risk of colon cancer, or full-motion heart scans for people with a high risk of heart disease. Several institutions offer full-body scans for the general population although this practice goes against the advice and official position of many professional organizations in the field primarily due to the radiation dose applied.
CT Hitachi ECLOS 4 Slice
Manufacturer: Hitachi
Year of Manufacture: 2010
X-Ray tube: 2.0MHU
Tube count: 170,702
Application software version: V2.11
System software version: V2.10
Number of Slices: 4 slices per rotation
Image reconstruction speed: Real-time with 512 x 512 full matrix size
Internal HDD: Approx 2,00,000 images
Operators Manual: Available
Condition: Excellent
Warranty: 90 Days Warranty